Published Wed 12 Jan 2022
PHOSC is a great club, ably run by a fantastic and friendly group of volunteers. Currently we are seeking volunteers for the following positions:
- SUPPORT BOAT assistant / operator, our 17' centre console support boat is manned by two volunteers, we are seeking another person to assist when required on a permanant or casual basis. For further info go to: SUPPORT BOAT assistant / operator
- GALLEY assistant / operator , currently our galley is managed by Geoff Grover who is a very experienced operator in this area. Geoff is also an active sailor, so the club is seeking someone to assist Geoff on race days. For further info go to: GALLEY assistant / operator
- RACE STARTER assistant, Sharyn Roberts is our club starter and we are seeking somone to assist Sharyn on race days for recording race start and finish data. If you are interested in this please have a chat to Sharyn on any Sunday at the club or contact Sharyn via email at: